Externship Experience with Crio (Stage-1)

I am Prithviraj Patil from India. I have completed the first stage of the challenge so here I am sharing my externship program experience.
Crio is a developer-friendly learning platform came up with the program Crio Winter of Doing. This Externship program is focused on learning by doing with new ways.
Let’s have a look at my journey 👀🚗
⚡ HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
⚡ REST (Representational State Transfer)
⚡ Linux Basics
⚡ App Deployment in AWS
⚡ Git
🚗 HTTP micro experience
HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. It is, like the name suggests, a set of rules for querying the web. It works on a client-server model, where the client, in most cases, the browser, makes a request and waits for the server to respond.
Me:- 🤯 What? How? Why?
But Crio came up with #learnbydoing 😎.
So we explored HTTP by using the chrome developer tool

Used tools like cURL & Postman to perform HTTP requests and analyse responses also Learned about status codes.
The telnet client helped us connect to other computers on the internet.

Curious cat questions was like cherry on the top of the cake where I got to know more about HTTP.
🚗 REST micro experience
Ever wondered how
1. Paytm or similar mobile apps make payments from Amazon. Does Amazon have Paytm’s code to do that?
2. Google Sign-in works on websites like crio.com. Does Google share their user data with Crio?
I got answers to these questions in this micro experience.
Internet is full of such APIs they make the integration easier by exposing API definitions.
The challenge like creating new post on Linkedin with help of exposed API gave me better understanding about REST api.
🚗 Linux micro experience
“ You can love ❤ Linux or hate 😒 Linux But …you can’t ignore😉 Linux “
I learned from basic linux commands to something like putting one commands output as input to other giving access to user ,usergroup etc.
Through one activity I came across automating tasks in Linux . Interesting right?
# Open the cron tables with this command
crio-user:~/workspace$ crontab -e
# This will open the crontab file in an editor. Choose nano if prompted for choice of editor.
# Go the last line of this file and add the below line
5 * * * * /home/crio-user/workspace/hadoop_log_analysis.sh /tmp/log_analysis > /home/crio-user/workspace/log_report
# Substitute the above paths to suit your setup
# Save file and exit (“Ctrl X”, followed by “Y”, followed by “Enter” to exit nano editor)
🚗 AWS micro experience
Have you ever launched virtual server with AWS ?
Connected mobile app with backend server deployed on virtual server?
That’s what I did with the help of this AWS micro experience.
Crio provided us a good resource about cloud computing — video
Then we explored some things about AWS like Virtual machines (EC2),Storage (S3),Load Balancers (ELB).
We followed some steps -
1. Create EC2 instance
2. SSH into your instance
3. Deployed app on server by running Docker container
Did you deploy your own app??
No not mine but we deployed app provided by them basically this microexperience is about AWS so we learned about the deployment part.

🚗 Git micro experience
“ Git ⚡ is like essential Kit 🛠 “
Today or after some years you will definitely come across this So it better to learn it today🔅.
I learned this by performing some activities. We started with getting the whole code then made some changes and merging them with the remote code.
I also learned about the concept of push, pull, branching, etc.
Then we created some issues like merge conflicts and then resolved that by looking at what was the conflict.

With more resources provided by Crio I got very comfortable with git ❤.

Community 👨👩👧👦 & Fireside chat📞

Thank You to the whole Crio Team for providing such a great platform for learning and developing. Many developers like me will really appreciate
this kind of way to learn things.
That’s all!. Thank you so much for reading my journey. Please Clap👏 & Comment 📝.
P.S. This is a part of the #shareyourlearning challenge that most liked author gets goodies 🎁 So help me to win 😄😎.